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RogueStorm commented at 2010-11-25 20:24:17 » #520555

The Hill of Swords; more epic than the original Zero, with Archer as the summoned servant. :D GO READ IT!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 18:17:53 » #548732

I had a thought: Wouldn't the Gandalfr runes be COMPLETELY REDUNDANT on archer?

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Anonymous commented at 2011-03-12 08:28:59 » #651937

not really, if anything they'd make him even more epic.

Although, it's technically NOT Archer in the fic, but rather a Shirou well on his way to BECOMING Archer, a Shirou who survived the UBW route, who reaffirmed his resolve to never regret his decisions, but hasn't gone on to become the Counter Guardian Emiya yet.

Although, again, he was well on the way, so by the time the fic ends (happiness all around) I wouldn't be surprised if he WAS Archer.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-14 08:20:45 » #877041

technically the coats supposed to be blue. but technically, it doesnt matter.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-18 23:38:20 » #1206391

....Anonymous,we dont talk about that color. You know that name is forbidden.lol

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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-07 04:44:59 » #2116649

Being totally technical #651937, it wasn't UBW route, but a combination of UBW, Fate, and no route at all - the main point was that Shiro was monogamous with Saber, which never happened in Fate canon.

And the ending basically outright says he's not the Archer from FS/N. Archer's main issue was his disillusionment with his ideals, HoS EMIya had a more balanced view but never got that far, and got what he wanted in the end anyway (he died a final death and was reunited with Saber) which precludes him going full EMIYA.

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