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Anonymous commented at 2013-12-07 02:44:18 » #1449172

And to the right of Shinji, ladies and gents, you will see all of the pointless new additions and equally inconsequential returning cast of 3.0.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-07 13:06:03 » #1449332

^ To be fair, the only significant characters in 3.0 were Shinji, Kaworu, and Mindfuck.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-05 15:05:16 » #1514314

^Lulz to that.

Really tho, not one character in this movie was the least bit important to the plot(or lack there of) except Gendo, Shinji, Kaworu, and maybe Asuka(since sje technically ruined what would have otherwise been a calm explanation from Kaworu to Shinji as to why they should not remove the spears).

WILLE didnt do crap except maybe throw themselves uselessly into the arms of Mark.09, twice.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-14 11:10:21 » #1519077

Which is kind of the point of the movie, considering the whole Shinji-centric thing going on. We are not supposed to know anything about the WILLIES, because Shinji doesnt either.
3.0 is practically the the last few episodes of NGE TV in one movie: Alienation of the main cast, especially Shinji, from each other, lack of conversation to set things right in time, Gendo keikaku doori-ing it up while SEELE actually think they´re winning.
Now indulge yourself in the desperate hope that FINAL will actually be about turning all of that around to get to an ending that doesnt involve everyone turning into orange juice.

7 Points Flag