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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-14 10:34:05 » #2033612

Look at it, it's so sweet and innocent.

22 Points Flag
MaskedKitsune commented at 2016-10-14 10:38:12 » #2033618

Category: Fruit Pokemon
Type: Grass
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 18.1 lbs
Ability: Leaf Guard / Oblivious

The calyx on Steenee's head is harder than Bounsweet’s, so Steenee no longer worries about being stabbed by other Pokémon. As Bounsweet, this Pokémon may have preferred to run away from others, but now Steenee and other Pokémon can play together.

Upon evolving, this Pokémon’s fragrance becomes even more delectable, but it also gains a tomboy-like personality. Living together with one is quite the ordeal. As it moves around, it spins its calyx, striking nearby objects, but Steenee couldn’t care less.

Steenee unleashes combo moves using the calyx on its head and its hard legs. First it smacks opponents with the calyx on its head, and when the opponent flinches, it lands a whacking great kick. That usually does the trick!

4 Points Flag
ShiftKey commented at 2016-10-14 11:19:34 » #2033660


R34: Let's fuck it!!

24 Points Flag