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makudaki commented at 2021-08-20 15:31:59 » #2641132

(Somewhat lazy) Translation:
"Uhh.. this sensation.."
"Pe.. Peko-san...?"
"Ah, you woke up?"
"To be honest, not only does my appetite get stirred up in princess form, but my lust too."
"It's probably because of that I've longed for your semen and couldn't resist."
"So it happens that I let out my lust a bit forcefully like this, I think..."
"Please forgive me ☆"
"Like always you make such an ecstatic face when getting paizuri ♥"
"I love that face ♥ I'm shivering. ♥♥ Of course, that's because I love you ♥"
"Your dick is trembling between my tits...♥ Isn't it about time you came?"
"Please, quickly give me your semen between my tits ♥ Please shoot it out ♥ Hurry♥ Hurryyy♥♥"
"Come on, byuu byuu!♥ Byuubyuu!♥♥" (TL Note: Byuuvyuu is onomatopoeia for ejaculation)
"You came lots today as well ☆ Look! ♥ My tits are sticky with your lewd semen ☆ It's amazing ☆"
"I think this will happen more after this too" (Video cuts off seemingly before the text is done)

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