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stackxx commented at 2021-02-25 10:34:58 » #2594726

google translate:

A. The attached ball gag with a lock has a cloth that is pushed into the mouth to prevent words and running.

B. The shirt and skirt are threaded so that they can be rolled up when pulled, and the tips of the threads come out from both waists of the skirt and are connected to the thumbs of both hands.

C. Vaginal dildo. Always vibrating. Semen inside.

D. Battery.

E. Anal plug.

F. A belt with a lock secures the skirt to the waist inside. The belt cannot be cut with scissors.

One minute after the G. pin comes off or two hours after the start, the anal plug emits a strong low frequency and the vibrator in the vagina releases the semen inside from the tip. The pin is also threaded.

H. The thread has some burrs that prevent it from returning.

I. A belt and a ball gag key are attached. They are fixedly installed facing up on the floor in front of the entrance of a woman's house.

It usually feels stiff

The difference is about the cross section in the vagina and with or without glasses and mask.

It's an exposed walk, but there isn't much exposure

3 Points Flag
Coalition commented at 2021-03-14 21:12:20 » #2598644

Looks like the pocks are on the back of the mouth gag, and side of the belt. So in order to undo the mouth gag she has to lie on her back, and scoot around until the key fits into the lock. She then has to rotate her body around, until it unlocks. In the process the skirt will ride up and everyone will be able to see the chastity belt, along with the attachments.

0 Points Flag
JamieSmallGuy1 commented at 2021-03-19 03:44:27 » #2599533

Well, if it’s the woman from gelbooru.com/index.php?pa...amp;tags=ha_ku_ronofu_jin she’s already pretty exposed lol

1 Points Flag