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katsuragikei2nd commented at 2022-02-22 06:00:25 » #2690839

Completely out of character. They wrote I19 as same trope man-hunter who feigns innocence as Kamihime Project R Ea... she doesn't care about other women (even denying the need for female friends and that having a man is all she needs), she cares about the only one sole man around who is commander.
I25 also doesn't particularly care about female company, which is why she visits commander heck a lot... lol read her lines from any wiki and check out the 4koma Hori did about her running off to commander... basically a woman really wants a man to give her attention and doesn't stop his sexual advantages on her either... actually this type of woman exists in real life too (lucky if you meet one. Confirmation from female lesbian friend who knows this type of women.)

Yeah this artist is a dumbass who claims he likes the characters but he doesn't even know what kind of women they are, in fact he thinks they're elementary school children which confirms he doesn't know jackshit... literally. Knowing Ea from Kamihime confirms I19 for what she is, two-faced thot (as they say nowadays) who fishes for brownie points from male gender. I25 is so universal that even I recognized her right away for the type of adult, it's more of a surprise when somebody can't recognize her woman type... like wow. I mean sure even I'm a hermit who doesn't interact with people and forever single and whatever and even I know this kind of shit... Then again I know American dramas and Hollywood movies and anime from a long time...

3 Points Flag
Shiima commented at 2022-04-28 18:03:31 » #2707732

Sure, dude, you go.

10 Points Flag
katsuragikei2nd commented at 2022-05-05 10:33:50 » #2709482

Anyone can do a little research... Azur Lane has a wiki in English, there's English and Japanese quotes in there, if the translation seems suspicious you can rely on your good friend google translate. As for Kamihime Project Ea, well would have to play the game a little and use SSR trade ticket for her... or search videos for her and use your ears even if you can't understand Japanese words you can understand talking tone and anything else that seems the fucking same in comparison scale.

If there's doubts about Azur Lane commander being an adult MAN (gasp), you look up: Achilles, Sims, Fusou, Bulldog, Unicorn, Sirius. And you use google translate on words 男 and 大人 and 男女 for extra assistance against the wiki in case they're lying.

1 Points Flag
KWT666 commented at 2023-09-27 20:48:32 » #2833481

Bro no one asked just enjoy the girls kissing

6 Points Flag