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Ticket Information - ID: #883

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000883Feature RequestnormalN/A05/12/17 05:48AM
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Blacklisting specific pictures? (Not flagging)
Description:I have noticed that one feature I really want, the ability to blacklist combinations of tags, has been largely dismissed as "would interfere with certain tags" so I am requesting a sort of band-aid to cover it up: blacklisting certain pictures, just for the specific user. I imagine it working like so: bring back the down-vote feature, but change its function so that if you down-vote something it never shows up in your particular searches again. A new separate button could work as well, but I figured this might look nicer on the web-page. Sorry if something like this has been requested before, I'm just really tired of seeing things irrelevant to my interests that cannot feasably be blacklisted without interfering with things that are relevant to my interests.
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