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Anonymous commented at 2011-06-27 12:51:41 » #788450

Ah, yeah. KitKats, aka the shameless Felicia ripoff.

0 Points Flag
Iancettuaun commented at 2011-06-27 16:59:16 » #788647

Hmm I can kinda see the similaritys but I wouldn't count it as a ripoff, maybe more of a tribute or somthing.
I really like the Nekomatas for a couple of reasons: abs, nips, fewer fur patches+they don't seem so "artificial"/costume-like, the haircolour matches nicely with the fur, the haircut fits the tail, their behavior, their moves and to top it all off they (ONLY!) wear a cute yellow ribbon

I actually never really liked Felicia thaaat much (it's mainly the haircut, the costume and the colour mix from costume+hair) but hey I never even played Darkstalkers so who am I to talk?

Since I never played Darkstalkers they actually reminded me more to Katt/Rinpoo Chuan

In the end it's all a matter of taste

so... to each his own or so I guess.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-28 20:25:42 » #790019

wai-wai-wait you mean there is a game who's official character is a naked woman, who is a cat girl, who's nude in game?

how is this not the most popular game character ever?

11 Points Flag
Iancettuaun commented at 2011-06-29 09:05:44 » #790551

ah no, actually it is a whole race of naked women, who are cat girls, who are nude in games ...and they like to hang out with succubi ... and the official description is:

"Legends say cats lived for a very long time demonized and became Kit Cats. They are a clan of tomboys who are skilled in Martial Arts. Their cat ears have gained them many fans throughout the Netherworld. Just don't try to pet them too hard."

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-29 20:12:25 » #791122


Again... Why are these not the most popular video game characters ever!!??!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-30 21:13:50 » #792494

...no, they're not naked in game.

They have fur covering them up. >_>

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-23 01:11:06 » #856067

The sprites are so small I doubt you could tell if there were nips or not anyways :3

0 Points Flag
#666 commented at 2011-11-02 13:13:44 » #916632

Nudity in the official concept art. NIS just gained a few more cool points in my book.

5 Points Flag