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Anonymous commented at 2012-11-04 06:31:18 » #1196240

What's with the wire?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-04 18:33:59 » #1196612

The scene is apparently from the first Ranma 1/2 movie, Big Trouble in Nekonron, China, where Ranma and a character from the film named Lychee face an opponent named Monlon, who uses some sort of string/wire based technique using a lute, where the more you struggle, the tighter they become, and Shampoo pops up and rescues them both by cutting the wires, while Ranma and Lychee move on and Shampoo faces Monlon.

...which I admittedly just looked up over at ranma.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Trouble_in_Nekonron,_China , since I'd certainly never seen the movie in question (I preferred the manga), but it says on the Pixiv page that it's based off a scene in the first movie where Shampoo comes to the rescue.

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