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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-09 15:13:52 » #1667285

"Shepard! The normandy has lost its artificial gravity! What should we do?"

"... Wonder why this has never occured to me to do ages ago?"

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-04 03:02:30 » #1733922

why exactly do her scars glow?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-04 13:34:23 » #1734138

Cus she was rebuilt by Cerberus and she was stuffed with a bunch of life supports and stuff. Those things emit the glow from the scars. Thats a rough assesment of why.

8 Points Flag
biggus_dickus commented at 2015-12-03 03:18:49 » #1859098

Her scars glow because it looks badass. The "implants" thing is just an in universe thing.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-23 07:59:05 » #2151652

Plus the scars mean a progressively Renegade Shepard, which bugs me.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-11 03:34:31 » #2182853

The glow is not from the implants, actually, but from what they used to rebuild her body. Don't forget she made planetfall in a damaged suit, while being temporarily exposed to vacuum, and then her body was left there to freeze for some time. It's not just a matter of damages, she also lost a lot of body mass to tissue decay.

Now, remember when in Mass Effect 1 you could convert pretty much anything into OmniGel and then use it to do a lot of things, including hacking security protocols and lockpicking containers? It's friggin' nanotechnology at work, and in the time between the first and second game, somebody must have realized the dangers of it, and imposed security protocols for the gel nanites. That's why in mass effect 2 and 3 we only see MediGel. It's basically a "dumbed down" Omnigel that can only heal.

But that dumbed down MediGel was definitely not enough to rebuild a dead, frozen and ecayed body, so Cerberus kinda reversed the process; they hacked MediGel, removed the security protocols and converted it back into OmniGel, sort of. This way they managed to rebuild Shepard's body tissue in the same way it was used to build items before the limitations. But since the process was incomplete when Shepard awoke, the OmniGel rebuilding her body was still active; hence, the glow, and why the scars can open and close according to her status.

4 Points Flag