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Anonymous commented at 2015-04-24 04:13:22 » #1727889

Actually this is pretty accurate, in addition, besides #19, #13 #14 and #15 (they are from the movie) seems to be the only androids whom are true loyal to Dr. Gero probabily because the computer he programmed, ironically Cell whom is biorganic is actually loyal to Dr. Gero because the computer's influence, or at least he is before he achieved his perfect form.

4 Points Flag
LG_Negi commented at 2015-11-14 00:48:29 » #1848594

This is really cool. Also it's easy to understand why everyone calls 17, 18, and Gero androids when they're technically cyborgs since every other one of them actually is an android. Just calling everyone android just makes things a lot less confusing.

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