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jedi1357 commented at 2017-02-14 12:15:10 » #2096798

【艦これ】 瑞鶴バレンタインチョコの作り方


【The ship】 How to make Water-melted Valentine Chocolate

It is a common one!
It includes spoiler of theatrical version.


[b]Learn how to make Valentine's chocolate[b]

1. Get ingredients. Chocolate, caramel, milk and a box.
2. Put chocolate in a small bowl and place the small bowl in a large pot of hot water to melt the chocolate.
3. Damn... You spoiled it like everything you do...
4. The chocolate is like your life, you do everything wrong
5. You start a lot of things but never finish them.
6. Nobody loves you...

[TN: Probably not the real translation.]

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