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Anonymous commented at 2019-06-02 12:13:31 » #2387572

Yeah this is fucking hot !!!

8 Points Flag
Omni_Slayer commented at 2019-06-03 02:35:35 » #2387913

What a lucky girl.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-03 08:02:36 » #2388041

thats not funny actualy

9 Points Flag
headless_rainbow commented at 2019-06-04 09:57:57 » #2388535

How did she get that old still a virgin?

And no, Anon, it's not funny. It's hot. I know the difference.

19 Points Flag
laura.loli commented at 2019-06-04 20:43:21 » #2388718

Being in your teens and a virgin is actually the norm, not the opposite. Studies on the subject find that less than 50% of teens have had sex by the time they graduate high school in the US, and this number has held up over the years. Most recent I found is 2017: "The study found that only 42 percent of girls and 44 percent of boys aged 15 to 19 reported having sex at least once." It references similar results going back to 2002.

However, this is intended to depict a brutal rape, if you look closely she's also bleeding from her ass. Even if she _wasn't_ a virgin, she'd be bleeding. The only reason we know she's a virgin is because the artist tagged it that way.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-04 20:55:05 » #2388721

im gonna be a virgin for the rest of my pathetic male life

4 Points Flag
headless_rainbow commented at 2019-06-05 10:46:41 » #2389012

It's always delightful when someone takes my comments seriously enough to do research to prove an already obviously false statement wrong.

It's however less delightful when people make arguments and expect them to be taken seriously without quoting sources.

I'm torn.

Thanks for your detailed analysis of rape porn however, I'm sure that you totally convinced someone to stop getting off on it.

10 Points Flag
laura.loli commented at 2019-06-06 01:42:42 » #2389437

Someone didn't look to see who posted the image before they accused the person that posted it of trying to convince people to not get off to the image they uploaded in the first place. They also failed to notice all the other rape images that person has uploaded, two pages of them so far.

If I didn't want people to get off to it, I wouldn't have posted it. I also wouldn't have bothered creating the wiki entry for a new artist (this is their only image on Gelbooru). I posted it because I knew some people would like it, a lot, even if it's not going on my personal favorites.

It's not my fault you can't use Google with the quote I included, specifically so people wanting to check the article could find it. I prefer not to post URLs to random sites in comments, because smart people are wary of clicking on those. If you'd bothered to search, though, you'd have found the article as results #1 and #2, posted on different sites. It's rather odd you specifically said "quoting sources" and still failed to search using the actual quote from the source.

But hey, other than proving you didn't know who posted the image; that the poster likes quite a few rape images; and being unable to find the source even after being given a map, that's a top notch take-down!

Amusingly, the artist's other images are much more extreme than this one, and judging by your favorites, you'd probably like them a lot. Maybe you could even post some of them to Gelbooru. Oh look at that, I just suggested you go get off to more rape porn, who could have predicted that?

10 Points Flag
ihato commented at 2019-06-06 10:43:38 » #2389638

h_r's question was entirely rhetorical implying "wow, someone skipped raping a prime loli... now she's gotten way too old!". Not like he was looking for a serious answer to that, so no clue as to why you chose to construct a strawman and reply with studies and statistics as if attempting to refute his non-existing argument.

Frankly, I'm a simple man. I found his comment hot, while your tl;dr take down & rebuttal not.

But hey, I know there are some people derive sexual pleasure from destroying other people with facts, logic and evidence à la Ben Shapiro. If that's you, I take it back what I said and wholeheartedly apologize to you.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-06 10:48:36 » #2389639

"Ben Shapiro," hahaha, go back to the appropriate sub reddit!

2 Points Flag