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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-21 02:33:32 » #2483526

Man there are a lot of girls in DB that I like that just aren’t canon. Maron, Seripa, Princess Snake, Zangya, Hasky. I’m not sure if 21 and Towa are exactly canon or Lunch for that matter. I know that she was technically and physically there and all but the people she knew and spent years with don’t exactly acknowledge or mention her at all which is kind of fucked up so it’s unclear if she even actually exists as a person anymore.

Honestly, I don’t know if any of these characters would actually benefit or be done any justice if they actually fit into the narrative. Probably not but at least we’d get to see more of them maybe.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-02-28 10:50:06 » #2497317

Lunch is canon, she is in the original manga until the Saiyan Arc.

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