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pc88 commented at 2020-02-03 07:22:45 » #2488039

Interesting tale surrounding this image which is why I decided to upload it.

It's no secret that Parallax05's art is inspired by Spacejin's. He's admitted as much multiple times that Spacejin is an inspiration and models his work after their's in imitation, which is why they have similar artstyles and generally seemed to be a big fan. He also used to follow them on Twitter, in fact I'm pretty sure Spacejin was his very first follow.

So he uploads this image back around May I think, and it's slightly controversial. It draws minor ire from others in the replies, and even Spacejin quote tweeted it. The reason is that the design of the outfit is very similar to a reoccurring witch-like character that showcases in some of Spacejin's doujin sets:


You could tell it was an obvious inspiration as Spacejin posted another image of his comparing the designs. This accumulated in implied accusations of plagiarism, mainly in the replies from others, so Parallax05 drew some minor heat from it. Eventually it seems like he stopped following Spacejin on Twitter and eventually deleted the tweet.

I like the image and simply thought the minor drama surrounding it was interesting. Personally the outfit being similar I don't feel is enough for complete plagiarism but it's also obvious that it was the basis he used for the design since I recognized the outfit immediately upon viewing. Everything probably would have gone over smoother if it was stated from the beginning that the design is obviously similar to someone else's character.

4 Points Flag
Bob_Toronja commented at 2020-02-03 08:59:17 » #2488062

Damn, a drama for an outfit? He was selling it or what? If he wasn't then there was no need for such drama. If he was, well, I can't tell you if that was a problem too, I mean, doesn't every artist sells merchandise based on others persons property? Then he should simply ask for permission and that it's it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-03 15:07:43 » #2488141

Hey bro, the link doesn't work anymore, do you have another source? Like, Pixiv or Tumblr?

1 Points Flag
pc88 commented at 2020-08-12 18:40:45 » #2557376

Update: Space Jin made a formal announcement directly calling out Exabyte now, as he alleges he didn't stop.


The replies in the Pixiv comments section are somewhat mixed on whether they agree plagiarism actually took place.

@Anon #2488141
Of course the link doesn't work, it was deleted a long time ago. The image never exist anywhere else

2 Points Flag
HipBeeFucker commented at 2020-10-20 02:16:37 » #2570684

This dude’s art is probably the most blatant example of plagiarism in art I’ve seen that isn’t outright tracing. And I normally think the concept of “style theft” is BS.

At least they’ve clearly made a conscious effort to change their style after getting publicly called out but if Space Jin has never said anything they probably woulda kept this up forever. And who knows, maybe their new style is plagiarized from someone else.

The problem wasn’t just the outfit being similar, it was the out being similar on top of their entire style being lifted wholesale from Space Jin. Also, they do have a Fanbox. I don’t know if they had one when they released this image, but they were making money off their art.

1 Points Flag