This post was deleted. Reason: Non-Japanese/Off topic / MD5: be978899463a97387e7cbd7ff290f4a5

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User Comments:

Russel_1984 commented at 2021-01-06 21:51:26 » #2585551

Holy. Fuck.
This is not even porn anymore, it's art.
It's amazing, mate. From the hand-made drawing to the animation, the soundtrack (!) and sound effects. Everything is top notch, and it seems to me that was made with much care.
Even the story and dialogue, as short as a porn scene can be, are really well made.
The boy's VA could be a bit more natural, especially on the laughs, but it doesn't take the charm away. Her VA's utterly amazing.

Seriously, for more porn as this.

2 Points Flag
BaldurAnthology commented at 2021-01-19 11:30:58 » #2587750

The problem is (I didn't report it just commenting something the staff might reply) it wasn't by a Japanese artist or I'm assuming of a Japanese character therefore it was deleted for not following the terms of service of uploading. Also with people commenting on it someone doesn't have to flag it for it to be noticed and deleted by the staff who is in charge of deletions

0 Points Flag
BaldurAnthology commented at 2021-01-19 11:31:39 » #2587751

OH secondary thought... if you're that desperate to access the video again click "original image" and you can still get it there

0 Points Flag