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BaldurAnthology commented at 2021-03-09 18:41:03 » #2597514

Why do people insist on pairing lolis with pigs? DOgs I Can at least understand from like a lore perspective.. got a bit curious and did some playing with the family dog or something but a PIG? they're nasty...

5 Points Flag
Xalrun commented at 2021-03-09 18:48:10 » #2597516

While I personally don't enjoy bestiality at all, I guess the reason people like pigs is because they're dirty.

It's got a taboo to it that people seem to get off to on top of the loli.

5 Points Flag
Mderms commented at 2021-03-10 07:50:30 » #2597617

I don't generally go into details about my kinks but when I'm in the mood for beastiality its usually with pigs, probably stemming from cervix penetration kinks which I'm fully aware isn't anatomically accurate with a human dick, but with a pig dick, it just may be.

And thats all I'm going to say about that.

11 Points Flag