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ldmt1995 commented at 2021-04-24 11:55:56 » #2607790

Balance there is a translation in the page but is really bad
・女の子の乗っている部位(以下 皿)の腹の位置に高反発クッションが取り付けてあり圧迫される。(動くと余計に)


0 Points Flag
baratheonbbq1 commented at 2021-04-25 10:55:21 » #2608066

I think the idea is that they need to stay balanced for 12 hours or one of them gets creampied but I can’t really decipher enough to understand the mechanics beyond that.

0 Points Flag
laura.loli commented at 2021-04-25 15:43:19 » #2608132

I think the idea is that they can potentially drink the semen to prevent it being injected into their vaginas, but there's way too much of it for that to happen so one of them's getting creampied no matter what. And they can't leave the room for 72 hours after it's happened, so the morning after pill won't be any help for preventing pregnancy.

The rest is essentially torture for them to compete to not be the one creampied.

2 Points Flag
PinkMarshmallow commented at 2021-04-25 15:50:56 » #2608138

Being in a predicament bondage seems really fun too me and I don't know why

3 Points Flag
togat1 commented at 2021-04-25 16:52:29 » #2608147

Whoever is heaviest wins. They have weighted balls in their ass that they have to try to hold in. Meanwhile, they can also add to their weight by drinking semen.

The weighted balls are specifically described as ping pong balls filled with an iron ball, or as a ping pong sized iron ball. Not sure which. Either way, that's 33.5 cm^3 of volume. Iron has a density of 7.874 g / cm^3. So that's 263.779 g per iron ball. Half a pound, basically. I've read that people eat between 3 to 5 pounds of food a day. Assuming that these ladies can only eat up to a third of that before being full, they can still hold at least one pound of semen in their stomach if they try. So, they can afford to lose up to four iron balls and replace that weight with semen.

9 Points Flag