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Sparhawk commented at 2021-05-12 08:46:05 » #2612467

wouldn't it have been easier just to destroy the switch and drop the ball out of the tube?

3 Points Flag
Dead_Ex commented at 2021-05-12 20:19:48 » #2612571

@Sparhawk, contact switches like those can also be pushed together just by shock. notice there's two at each end, thin and flexible. the whole thing is fantasy anyway but at least in that i'd have gone for the explosives as well. no telling how much or how little shock to the tube could cause the metal read (reed switches...sue me ^_^ easy pun) switches to make contact.

2 Points Flag
Dead_Ex commented at 2021-05-12 20:20:37 » #2612572

@Sparhawk, contact switches like those can also be pushed together just by shock. notice there's two at each end, thin and flexible. the whole thing is fantasy anyway but at least in that i'd have gone for the explosives as well. no telling how much or how little shock to the tube could cause the metal read (reed switches...sue me ^_^ easy pun) switches to make contact.

5 Points Flag