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ShadowDom commented at 2022-04-25 02:26:06 » #2706811

Just saying but I'm almost certain that megumin does not wear a bra, not only is the time period that the show is set in a time period where such things didn't necessarily exist yet it depends when exactly it is set but I believe it said a medieval time and bras didn't exist back then bras are more of a modern thing. In fact I'm almost certain that kazuma makes and tries to sell bras only to get called a pervert in his entire business fail. . . Though that might have happened in the light novel. Anyways my other reasoning for her not wearing a bra is due to some of the fan service scenes clearly displaying the fact that she does not wear a bra. . . Therefore my final conclusion, it's just weird seeing megumin wearing a bra. Side note it is slightly funny that her bra doesn't have any shape to it at all but it's just flat shaped pieces of cloth. . .

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