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unxinus commented at 2022-09-30 01:33:17 » #2753610

To the guy who said not a loli cause they're 18, that's not true. It's a body type for a fictional character and that's why there's characters like Senko that are over 300 but obviously a loli.

22 Points Flag
katsuragikei2nd commented at 2022-09-30 02:59:32 » #2753636

There's such a thing as loli MILF too gelbooru.com/index.php?pa...nimated_gif+loli+milf+sex adult woman, loli appearance, has given birth to teenage daughter.

Yeah anyone starting to go below 153cm and is really thin is loli. But after they start to go above 155cm they start to disqualify as loli...Because, well they start being too tall in contrast to the even shorter loli. Then they become just normal slender girls, literally the between.

9 Points Flag