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SwordkingX4 commented at 2023-01-10 18:16:30 » #2775908

This is more brutal than i expected.
Ye gudam kills people all the time.
But the dude got turned to paste

6 Points Flag
The_Moof commented at 2023-01-10 20:03:37 » #2775917

Par for the course, really, if we go back to some of the earlier Tomino directed series.
Like Kycilia Zabi getting 360 noscope'd via a rocket launcher in the original MSG, complete with having her head blown off and a gory split second frame or two at her blown apart torso (along with another dudes torso complete with intestines coming out).
And in Victory Gundam there was some girls getting vaporized via beam saber.

Also the writer for this also did the novelization of 8th MS Team, where in a huge departure from the ova series, Kiki is captured by Zeon and raped to death.

So yeah, I'm expecting more brutality.

1 Points Flag