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exnoted commented at 2023-08-13 13:13:03 » #2823944

You got fun and expressive compositions and poses. Personally I like a more clean look and clear material choices and optics like @fukuro_daizi for when I would like something wholesome and playful, and @belko something more hot and steamy (the style is more rough though). I like that you do a lot of layering with colors to create shape, but I like to smooth out those parts, or it feels to banding or cell shades for me. I care more about the shape and 3d space than having clear segments on the image. The top left corner seems to even let the linework do the shaping, something which would only happen if clothing is wet because you see through to the skin if it close and attached to the skin, but when it is folded you see through to the fabric on the other side of the fold which isn't stuck to the skin.

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