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HornyBot commented at 2024-02-11 23:49:44 » #2865030

This isn't much of a complaint because I like all this new Palworld material but I'm surprised that Lovander has only a quarter of the posts that Dazzi has here.

1 Points Flag
tuu_kuu(dere) commented at 2024-02-12 12:31:13 » #2865165

When something is purposely lewd, it doesn't motivate others to draw it as much.

The fucked up part is, humans love defiling things.

The more innocent something is, the more many want to fuck it up.
Lovander will still get drawn, but not as much as something that wasn't purposely drawn to be lewd.

We can also take into account that many people dislike the core game because they are pokemon fans so this feels like a slap in the face to them.
There are a few other instances I can think of but I'd be ramblin---I kinda already am so lets stop here.

This is amazing though.

2 Points Flag