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hieronymous commented at 2024-02-22 10:57:21 » #2868425

i need a friend with a horse, too

5 Points Flag
12341245 commented at 2024-02-23 10:31:12 » #2868740

first a dog, now a horse? girls round here got a lot of needs huh

8 Points Flag
Dragonite4 commented at 2024-03-19 14:37:29 » #2875999

Wait... Horse dicks have a blunt head and flare, not a tapered tip...
Eh, its hot and drawn well so meh.

1 Points Flag
hornynoshame commented at 2024-03-19 14:46:26 » #2876004

Could be a bull. They have dicks like that.

1 Points Flag
Dragonite4 commented at 2024-03-20 10:36:51 » #2876214

Fairly sure bovine dicks come out of the sheath 1/3 to 1/2 the way up the barrel belly. On equines its close enough to the balls that most probably would'nt register that the sheath between the balls and 'dick' runs abaout a handspan along the belly.

Because anatomy and hip flexibility and leg length relitive to barrel body and leaverage and reasons and thingies and such...mumble...mumble....mumble...

Furry fandom tend to have a far better average understanding of anatomical structure of animal bodies then hentai dose. Japan, understandably has few horses, but lots and lots of dogs... also skirting censorship laws because they only apply to human genitalia....

1 Points Flag
hieronymous commented at 2024-03-30 11:16:26 » #2878796

i need a friend to do this with

3 Points Flag