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Ticket Information - ID: #1004

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001004Feature Requestnormalalways02/26/20 09:14PM
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Navigating Favorites More Fluidly?
Description:I asked the question on the forum, and was told to create a ticket, in case the suggestion/request seemed like a good one, and/or was feasible with a minimum of fuss.

Currently, the only way for a user to quickly flip through his or her favorites on the website is to open many images in different pages and close the tabs or flip though them to see the next ones.

Alternatively, users can spend a lot of time individually downloading and curating images in folders on their computers, but then the site loses traffic for ad revenue from revisits, and the user loses the benefit of tags. The possibility of having a carefully curated folder on a device that is physically damaged, lost, or just somewhere else could render all that time spent downloading and curating pointless.

Using the current file system for keeping track of users' favorites, could there be a way to implement slideshow style ("<"/">"; "previous"/"next") navigation buttons, or even left/right direction key input to flip quickly from one favorite to another?

If paired with unobtrusive banner ads, the amount of revenue that supports this site might increase, as users might find it more convenient to just use the site itself for storing and viewing large numbers of images per visit, rather than resort to offline storage and image viewer apps.

I thought I had been a supporter of this site, but I now think that was Danbooru. I'm not trying to plug for any other sites or services. I'm giving candid feedback about my image surfing habits, and how they relate to this site. I do like this site a lot, and I began using it more than Danbooru, even after getting a Platinum membership on their site. Recently, I've mostly been using Luscious, because the navigation is easier, and even got a subscription to it, because they cap daily downloads for free users (they actually have a cap for premium, too, but you have to use it a ton), but I still like this site, and I'd like to see it get better and easier to use, so that it can continue to grow in popularity.

I don't see merchandise as a good way for me to contribute, given that my family is large and intrusive, and would hate finding out what it's about. Maybe see if there's some kind of feel good digital title you can sell to people for a little rep on their accounts. They might kick a few bucks your way for some online badge without your having to print shirts or stickers (although they are cool, and I do wish I could rock them). I remember paying danbooru for platinum membership so that I could unlock some of the fringe search results. You could figure out your own way to entice users to contribute for some type of online reward system.

Ease of navigating favorites lists, or creating and viewing related image sets and lists might be the biggest drawback to using Gelbooru, in my experience. The bright white background is also tough, but it looks like there is a beta for Dark Mode... which I just tried, and it's better, but a lot of areas are still white around thumbnails. That's a different issue, though.

Sorry the message is so long, since it kind of meandered into site revenue, via the topic of upping page views through easier-to-navigate favorites. Thanks for reading, and maybe thinking about it. :)
Additional Info:/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=4399