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Ticket Information - ID: #114

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000114Feature RequestLowN/A06/21/09 08:09AMThref
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Sort by
Description:There should be the option to sort by score, visits, date, downloads etc.
Additional Info:
lozertuser replied at 2009-07-15 09:18:54
Default ordering should be DESC, if the order isn't ASC, just return descending order.

Thref replied at 2009-07-15 21:16:39
Looking for love in all the wrong places. . .

O.K. that sounds all good, provided that it applies to Thumbnail View and NOT just Textual link view then there is little that I can see it accomplishing. Sure, yay, we can see the links ordered from top to bottom or bottom to top, but, how is That going to let me see an image uploaded a year ago show up suddenly on the first page when a new tag for that image was updated a few days ago? In this scenario, it wouldn't.

In it's own way of sorting textually, its sound, but in the visual way, its a bit irrelevant. Know what I'm saying?

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-15 21:27:50
All images are updated with a time of the last update to it in seconds. Ordering now would be 1000 seconds, 10 seconds from now would be 1010 seconds. So the later updated one would be listed first if sorted by updated desc.

Thref replied at 2009-07-15 22:43:55
Didn't quite get what your saying there. . .

Ordering 1000 Seconds(1), 10 seconds from now would be 1010(11),
desc = 11, 1; asce = 1, 11.

O.K. that works the way it should, there. But, it doesn't work where it matters to the users who browse by image.

Let's see IF I can't paint a literal picture for you:

Here is where you are looking:

3. 10/07
9.Updated 7/08

2. 8/08
3. Updated 7/08
9. 10/07
10. 7/07
11. 6/07

Here's where the problem is:
Stationary: All Viewable images remain at their positions based on Initial Upload because all though their Tags were updated and moved to the top, the Images themselves remain in a neutral state, regardless of Tag update and sorting done in Area1. The ONLY Exception to this, is if the tag in question has so little entries, like just 17, that it WILL show in the Thumbnail Area(Area2). HOWEVER, it will Still be ordered by Initial Upload date and NOT tag update date.

For the purpose of Argument, lets just say that Area1 Results represent 1 tag and all it's images with dates attached. Since there was an update to the tag on 7/08, it will be added to that tags list. The problem is, although you can get it to show up on Slot3 in Area1 by using the sort parameters, They will not change the Date parameters of Area2. That is to say, you can move it up to slot3 in Area1, but it will always show up in slot9 in Area2 Because Area2 Lacks Sorting capabilities and will default to Initial Date of Upload, which is 7/08 and remain in Slot9 only until Newer entries for that tag are created.

Kinda get an idea where the problem is now?

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-16 07:32:55
No, I don't.

Image last updated at:
1. 1234567890
2. 1234567890
3. 1234567894
4. 1234567898
5. 1234567896

Ordering by last update DESC would be 4,5,3,2,1 and ASC 1,2,3,5,4. Without ordering it would be 5,4,3,2,1.

If someone updates image 1 and the time is 1234567950, it would be the highest valued image and the ordering would be: DESC: 1,4,5,3,2 ASC: 2,3,5,4,1.

Thref replied at 2009-07-17 01:40:46
Just so I'm Sure you comprehending what I've already said, are we talking, Images in Area1(That aren't actually images but just tags/links that take you to Area2) or Area2?

Because that's all fine in Area1, but in Area2 it isn't doing anything; what happens in Area1 will have NO effect on what happens in Area2.

O.K., I'll check out this sorting system you have and see IF I need to send you some pictures, cause although a picture is Worth a 1000(and More when there are words in a picture, think about that), 1000 words are apparently worthless to you when I'm talking, as you have made it clear to me previously. . .

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-17 07:09:43
Sorting is not available on the post list as is why this ticket is open. If we offer a sort for the post list page then there will be a way to sort by different field types. All images that were updated at the most recent time will be put at the top if sorted by last_updated DESC order.

This action will not be default behavior.

Thref replied at 2009-07-17 07:43:24
Sent you Pictures anyway.

"If we offer a sort for the post list page then there will be a way to sort by different field types. All images that were updated at the most recent time will be put at the top if sorted by last_updated DESC order.

This action will not be default behavior."

Alright, I think you get it then.
Wait, Images? Does that include just 1 tag or multiple tags for the applicable images?
Does that mean, that clicking the link will result in Default behavior, and that the only way to get the sort function, would be to manually type the tag name in the search and switch on the parameters?

Maybe a switch for the users to decide the method would work out better then. Beats having to push buttons and pull levers when you can just flip a switch.