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Ticket Information - ID: #126

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000126Feature RequestnormalN/A07/03/09 10:12AMThref
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.1
Summary:Spoiler Box Feature for Gelb Forum.
Description:WARNING: Explanation is long; taken from a previous request.

Spoiler Box function; spoiler Tag. Now, You may have never seen this, but it is quite ingenious and you have a similar function already implemented on Gelbooru so I figure it shouldn't be too difficult to implement board wise. It goes something like this, and explanations to fallow:

Note: Replace asterisks(*) with applicable brackets([]) below.
Single Instance:
Nested Version:

Let me explain the first instance:

The “*spoiler” part is to declare the beginning of the spoiler tag, the “(space)expandboxtexthere” part says to change the default spoiler box “expand” text button to whatever is written after the (space) instruct, the “(space)collapseboxtexthere*” part is basically the same thing only applied to the “collapse” text portion of the button after it has already expanded if nothing is input, “collapse” is the default.
“contenthere” is whatever you want to place in the box(Text, links, Images, etc.), including another spoiler box, which I will explain a bit further. The “*/spoiler*” part, I'm pretty sure you can figure out for yourself, But anyway, it means that the spoiler box parameters end there. There is an another thing, now that I think about it: an extra button to go along side the top/outsidemost spoiler Expand/Collapse Button, that being the Collapse All inside Button; It's not Really necessary, but eh It may be useful; I will say though not to include an Expand All inside button, but then again, I don't know; just thought I'd say is all. Anyway, back to the next explanation.

Now to Explain the Nested Version and IT's Purpose:

Same as above, except the following.
“content1here” will be displayed/shown when the user expands the first/outermost spoiler box, in this case the content contains Another spoiler box; “content2here” is collapsed until it is expanded from the spoiler box of “content1here”.
So, what is the point of that? Easy, It's a final Sanity check type thing; the Are you REALLY sure you want to see this? type of scenario. Also, The more spoiler boxes within, the more control over how much of something the user wants to read into.

One more thing, IF NOT, WHY NOT?
Additional Info:Notice: Truncated from the previously mentioned; contains examples that were meant for something relevant but not directly prevalent for this situation, either way, it's an example.

E.G.: Say that the user wants to see the Cover for a Hentai Ova, which is Within a Spoiler box. The user clicks the Expand button for the box and out pops the Cover for the ova. The user is intrigued and wants more information, so they notice another spoiler box within That box. They click it and out pops a list of the ova's contents but Not all the details. User notices another spoiler box that reads “Synopsis” so they click on that and they are presented with a synopsis. Eventually, it gets to the point where the user would like a sample of what that user is to see If they were to watch said ova, a Spoiler box marked “screencaps” is seen and they go to click on it. The are presented with a Textual Warning and another Spoiler box where the expand button reads something like, “Show me the Screencaps”. Clicks on that and is presented with The Screencaps, they like what they see, and IF they didn't, can't say the initial user didn't warn them.

Pretty Nifty, Eh? I say set a limit of 10-12 Spoiler boxes per tag, that is, Only 11 or Nine More spoiler boxes can reside within a single Spoiler box. I don't know though, depends on the users; most probably will use about 4 but I may require at most 12.

One more thing, IF NOT, WHY NOT?
lozertuser replied at 2009-07-03 22:32:20
Since we don't allow images to be linked in the forum, we already have a spoiler set up that works for the purpose. Use [spoiler]text [spoiler]here[/spoiler][/spoiler]. It will make the background black.

Thref replied at 2009-07-04 01:06:22
That's funny. Last I requested a list and All I got was chickens, now you say we have/had one?

So, is there or isn't there a list of Forum Tags? You only have ever informed me of one, the quote tag and now I here this? What Am I to believe?

This is the first I am hearing of this spoiler tag and even then, I don't think it accomplishes the effect I am describing there.
THAT structure only allows text to be in the spoiler and nothing much else, also, it doesn't have a button, it just appears to be text throughout the post(although I could be wrong about that since I have yet to actually use this spoiler tag of which you speak) which would mean that there are blanks in a post and users wonder, Is something supposed to be there?

I'll check it out either way and relay.

Now for the second point.
You don't allow images to be linked in the forum?
Oh boy, then we have a few users that have broken the rules. . .
They were linking images on Gelbooru for the purpose of examples.
Hmm, Or do you mean something else?

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-09 17:17:33
Can you alter your greasemonkey script for <span class="spoiler"> to function the way the site was intended? Not much I'm going to do with a javascript show/hide feature. Not just yet.

You can see one in action on I made that some time ago, but just haven't placed it in here for various reasons.

Thref replied at 2009-07-10 00:39:03
I took a look at that one, not exactly the type of function I was describing; It does Hide and show thankfully, but it lacks a box casing and perhaps nesting capabilities; it looks like the more important part has been made, but it just needs a bit more to solidify it. Perhaps I need to PM you a link to the one I am referring too.

First, I need to find a post there to link you to, then you we can pick it up from there either here or through PM.