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Ticket Information - ID: #127

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000127Feature RequestnormalN/A07/03/09 10:19AMThref
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Hyperlink Feature for Gelb Forum.
Description:Hyperlink tag, the typing the Entire URL and having the board truncate it isn't going to work out so Some structure like, *link(space)typetexttodisplayhere*urlhere*/link* would work out nicely.

IF not, why Not?
Additional Info:Why don't we have this already anyway? I've had embarrassing moments when attempting to create a link with discrete text so as to not upset superficial viewers.

What I use now is this format, though I find it generally unacceptable:

*Link Description/alt text for link*(_*LINK*_)

Also, it sorta solves that whole Link Truncation issue the board seems to have.
Two Birds with one stone, am I Right?

IF not, why Not?
lozertuser replied at 2009-07-09 16:36:02
How would it matter if you type in a site url or a masked site url? I'd rather see the beginning part of it on an anonymous image board than a "click here" link. Less frightening to click.

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-09 21:17:05
Current truncation is better as it allows users to see what link they are clicking giving mods an easier time locating spam/virus links. Will not change.

Thref replied at 2009-07-10 00:59:58
How would it matter if you type in a site url or a masked site url? I'd rather see the beginning part of it on an anonymous image board than a "click here" link.

It's a Matter of discrete and driven curiosity; besides, you can see the link it goes to if you right click it and select properties before you actually click the link. I do it all the time; prevents/reduces the chances of getting rick rolled.

Also, if the site name is REALLY LONG, then just giving a short description of the link saves read/text space, also you can add a little message of your own.

It Doesn't prevent users from knowing where they are going when they click the links, cause they can check prior to committing the click, as I so often do.

The problem I had with truncation is the link Didn't work because it truncated not only the text of the link, but the link itself.

What's wrong with a source link script that will just go for the source of any link regardless of the users text input for the link?

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-10 17:07:28
I'm unable to reproduce the shortened urls problem you were describing. The way our current linking system works is anything with http in the front with :// will be parsed as a url and cut down if it is over X characters for the display text. The url remains intact.

The average user, and by average I mean person who only knows the internet to have porn, would be fooled by something as simple as [url=link_with_virus][/url]

It makes moderation an extra task for people who post seemingly innocent posts providing sauce, spam ref links, viruses, and whatever else they may want to infect users with. Given time maybe there will be an obvious solution. But as of now, I'm not sure it is a very good idea to allow users to rename their urls.

Thref replied at 2009-10-19 23:16:34
Found Solution, But I'll have to make another ticket for it.

It's funny, Cause I kinda knew of it all along and just Barely Remembered it now.

Ah, How the Mind works. . .
More details in the Forum on the Sticky to come shortly.