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Ticket Information - ID: #144

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000144Bug ReportingHighN/A07/16/09 12:02PMhentaiprovisions
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Unable to add tag "ikenami_ryūnosuke"
Additional Info:
Thref replied at 2009-07-17 01:32:13
Don't know if parameters Can handle Special Characters so you may have to us the letter u in ryunosuke.

Also, this isn't a feature request, its more like a bug report. . .
Also, I don't know the policies behind first and last names.

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-17 07:48:32
It can, but for some reason it is not doing it correctly. As you can see it works fine on the tracker, but not on posts. This is a bug and I seemed to have selected the wrong ticket type. *Fixes*

th8827 replied at 2009-07-17 12:35:01
I remember that we had a similar problem with apostrophies a while ago. Maybe special characters, like "ū" are not in the tag system's set of characters, and thus, don't work.

Besides, most people probably don't know how to or want to go to the trouble of typing special characters like "ū" to make searches. (The only way that I was able to do it was by copying and pasting it...)

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-17 13:04:08
Good point. Going to do an alias page ticket that has this same problem.

hentaiprovisions replied at 2009-07-18 03:07:04
Another solution is that "ū" is equivalent with "uu" as exampled by the tag "suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu"