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Ticket Information - ID: #161

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000161Feature RequestnormalN/A07/22/09 05:12AMsinni800
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.1
Summary:Gelbooru API (Maybe XML, SOAP?)
Description:It would be a nice feature to have an API to upload images.

Also it would be useful to have it for listing and getting Data of images.

The advantage would be, that this method of fetching info or uploading would consume less traffic.

If you are concerned about higher traffic through external usage, add a system like in Google API, so there are authorizations of usage of the API.

Would also be nice if you could simply post a user name and pass hash when doing special actions like uploading.

Additional Info:
sinni800 replied at 2009-07-23 17:36:15
Since there IS already a XML API and I just didn't really see it, the editing and uploading functions would be of use. Also, transfering the info of a single post with an &id=xxxxx parameter could be of good use. This could be used i. e. for notes and comments.