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Ticket Information - ID: #169

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000169Feature RequestnormalN/A07/24/09 07:24AMelemental_guy
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.1
Summary:Removing Favorites Using the Same Process as Adding
Description:As anyone who has ever favorited an image by mistake will attest to, it'd be nice if the "Add to favorites" link changed to "Remove from favorites" when you've favorited an image so you could remove favorites from the images themselves.

Also, this would allow you to see if you had favorited an image before so you don't have to click and see "Already in favorites".
Additional Info:
elemental_guy replied at 2012-01-01 16:29:10
I also request a "Remove from Favorites" feature, either like at Danbooru where it's beside the "add to favorites" option (which is probably the best way) or similar to as the above suggested.

It can help users organize their large favorites list like a pool, and will save a user a lot of time from digging deep in their list to find something.

In addition:
Could it be possible to have a search bar function for a users own favorites list? (results would only be pictures in their own list). I'm saying for their own list because of the fact a user can just simply do tag searches to find what they want rather then go looking through someone else's favorites.

Sorry for any mistakes.