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Ticket Information - ID: #20

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000020Bug ReportingLowalways01/25/09 04:06AMlozertuser
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Tag types not working correctly.
Description:Tag types, char: tag: artist: copy: are not working correctly all the time. A user can no longer type in tag:cat to revert the color back to blue. It also seems that the tag naruto is going back to blue for no reason even though it was given a tag type previously.

Make sure that the tag type has a type marker before it is all updated. Otherwise ignore updating the type with tag:.
Additional Info:
lozertuser replied at 2009-01-26 03:48:54
An update to this:

When a user updates a tag, it removes one from the tag list when they change the type even though the actual tag count is the same. Perhaps the type updates need to be set outside of the addindex function so that we can just update the type without affecting the number of posts. I've not tested if this affects our search. A seemingly large task for this bit of functionality. This might be the highest priority yet.

Also, when a user submits a tag, or edits, if it doesn't exist it should give a default type of tag (Which it is already doing I believe), otherwise it will check for the tag:, artist:, copy:, and char: values. If none of those are there it will not set a type and only increment the index_count.

Summary: If during the edit they add tag: the index will not increase, but decrease. Types are being randomly reset to tag. Need to find a way to fix that problem.

lozertuser replied at 2009-01-26 04:04:24
Possibly fixed user uploading images being retyped to tag.