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Ticket Information - ID: #294

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000294Feature RequestnormalN/A11/18/09 03:49AMhentaiprovisions
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Image content duplication check
Description:It would be not hard but useful to add image content duplication check. Then then mark image as having duplications and show them on click.
Additional Info:Algo is simple: resize image to small thumbnail, like 20x20 then calc hash of its pixels. Same images will have same hash. And it will be even somewhat resistible against image resizing. You can even strip colors.
Maki replied at 2009-11-22 19:40:01
Wouldn't it be better to use this to set the older one as the parent of the newer one as well as adding a duplicate tag?
The parenting removes it from the recently added list (unless someone searches for a specific keyword) and it allows those looking after the duplicate entries to easily find the one or more duplicates that exist, so an effort could be made to update the old version with the new tags and/or remove the newer one.

DBN replied at 2010-04-06 00:42:50
Perceptual hashing:

hentaiprovisions replied at 2010-04-06 23:32:52
Gelbooru is part of

hentaiprovisions replied at 2010-04-06 23:33:21
Manual duplicate image check can currently be done through