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Ticket Information - ID: #298

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000298Feature RequestnormalN/A11/22/09 12:28PMMaki
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Make favoriting counts as a positive vote.
Description:Would it be possible to make favoriting an image also count as a positive vote (if the user has not yet voted on the image). Favoriting an image implies that you like it, but people tend to be lazy, so they don't always vote on images.

I'm requesting this so that we could have a more accurate measure of how popular an image really is.
Additional Info:
salarta replied at 2009-11-22 07:17:11
An alternative possibility would be listing which people favorited it while leaving the vote intact. However, this can become a little weird if an image has 20 favorites but a -1 score. Perhaps something could be done where a adding an image as a favorite adds a vote, but also ensures you can't vote a second time?

th8827 replied at 2009-11-22 13:47:16
That's how I meant it. Favoriting an image would use up the person's vote. If it has already been used, nothing vote-related would happen.

Maki replied at 2009-11-22 19:35:58
I support this feature request.