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Ticket Information - ID: #320

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000320Feature RequestHighN/A12/19/09 12:07PMthedarkness
Assigned to:lozertuser
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Break off-site image file hotlinking with directory reshuffle/renaming
Description:Save website bandwidth by breaking off-site full image file hotlinking. The easiest way would be to reshuffle and/or rename the file directories of the full images without affecting the thumbnail directory structure, and update the database to reflect new structure, unless there is a need to free up more bandwidth by breaking the thumbnail directory structure too.

Additional Info:Compiling a page referrer list to analyze where most of the off-site hotlinking is coming from, you'd be able to stop "robot bandwidth hogs" from further slowing the system than it already is.

If possible, keeping the system able to reshuffle on a schedule should help to constantly clean up most bandwidth loss on a regular basis with minimal system resources used.

I never would have thought that I would be suggesting to purposely break the internet just to try and restore site functionality. But hey, some evils are necessary.
GrrDraxin replied at 2009-12-19 00:20:56
Image directory changes COULD look like this:

(image server 1 or 2)/images/536/dce2cd31b2c8bffe6576eb3a12046aadf6d49ad8.png <-- OLD IMAGE URL
(image server 1 or 2)/images/unlink536/dce2cd31b2c8bffe6576eb3a12046aadf6d49ad8.png <-- NEW IMAGE URL

Simple, yes?

lozertuser replied at 2009-12-19 01:43:39
Yes, but no need to do this. I don't really mind users hotlinking. Usually they credit back to the source, which is overall good for the site.

thedarkness replied at 2009-12-24 17:50:28
I think it would be at least useful to see where all this hotlinking is coming from, especially considering the recent abrupt increase to max bandwidth. I have a feeling that some very heavy robotic hotlinking is going on, and it's hurting the site.