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Ticket Information - ID: #367

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000367Bug ReportingHighN/A04/03/10 03:02AMsalarta
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.1
Summary:Separate entries of the same tag
Description:Two images have the same tag but do not show that they each have the same tag.
Additional Info:This is entirely my fault, but I recognize it's a problem that could occur for other people who do the same thing in the future, hence why I set its priority to high (since it hurts being able to find the pictures in the future). I was uploading one picture with the new tag and editing another entry to have the tag at the same time. As I'm making this ticket, neither picture shows up when searching the 'cerberus_(final_fantasy)' tag. When I turned the tag into a character tag, both instances of the tag changed to character from changing one of them.
lozertuser replied at 2010-04-03 04:32:33
It takes at most 16 minutes before the tags will update after you edit them. We are unable to sustain real-time updates for the search on tag edits.

salarta replied at 2010-04-03 14:24:22
Ah, sorry, I thought the recent state of listings was that they'd show up after a few minutes. My worry this time was that I somehow split the tag in two with potentially worse consequences of not being able to find the picture. I see that it's still stuck saying it has only one, but that's no big deal since you can get to both with the listing now.

lozertuser replied at 2010-04-04 03:40:14
The single tag thing may be a bug. I'll try to recreate on my end. :)

salarta replied at 2010-04-05 13:09:00
Alright. Thanks for reading my ticket and addressing the issue, I hope I've helped! :)