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Ticket Information - ID: #673

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000673Browser Problemsnormalalways02/20/13 08:45PM
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Add carriage return and line-feed after each tag </li> block close
Description:Add a \n or whatever the applicable command is for your specific language to insert a CRLF at the end of each </li> to place each tag's li block within the tag-sidebar. Most of the rest of the page source is nicely formatted, but this block is not. Additionally it can produce a line that is too long for certain types of browsers to accept (losing tags, and other weird effects), not to mention makes it far easier to write a script to better extract tags in client-side scripting languages.

Example: See in a "page source" view, line 66, which takes up the next 300 or so word-wrapped lines.

Example of a fixed copy of this routine's output can be found at .. see lines 304 to 569.
Additional Info:Have a nice day.