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Ticket Information - ID: #888

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000888Bug ReportingHighalways05/24/17 09:21AMJerl
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Can't select next page in favorites
Description:My profile says I have over 100 favorites, but there are no longer any buttons to choose another page, I can only view the first page. I removed a favorite and a new picture showed up at the end of the first page which indicates there are more pictures present.
I haven't been able to view the next page for months (sorry it wasn't reported earlier, just found this bugs page). Also, I have always used Chrome, now when it does work and earlier when it did.
Just tested this in microsoft edge which is my only other search engine and I'm also no fond of, and the bug is not present
Additional Info:I submitted another bug report for being unable to add favorites, it seems I'm unable to edit the submission. That bug also did not apply when I was on another search engine
Jerl replied at 2017-05-24 11:51:30
To add additional information (such as additional symptoms for a bug), you can click the "Add Note" button underneath the "Additional Info" section.

Enable JavaScript. Disable any extensions that may be preventing JavaScript from running.

If you have adblock enabled on Gelbooru, you will most likely need to disable it. The person managing the default filter list for most adblock extensions has added several rules that disable functionality on the site... without actually blocking any ads for your trouble. Most adblock extensions will allow you to disable them for just a specific site.

Jerl replied at 2017-05-24 11:52:48
Sorry, the button you click is "Update Issue", not "Add Note". My mistake.